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About Us


The Arrowheads 3265 Team is the official robotics team of McEachern High School. We are a student-led team dedicated to putting forth our best effort in robotics. Every year, for six weeks, we work hard to build a robot that can be successful in the FIRST Robotics' Competition. Throughout the building season, we are aided with guidance from our mentors and sponsors to ensure success on competition day. 

The McEachern Robotics Program was created in 2010 and is in its eighth year. The McEachern Arrowheads Team is dedicated to getting high school students excited about the STEM field. With help from our Sponsors, we are able to extend our program to all. There is no fee to participate. Every member of our team is unique and has unique talents to give to our program.  These talents are distributed into different Key Components. 



Our Key Components








Public Relations




Each Component comes together to form one robot and one extremely successful team.

The FIRST Program was founded in 1989 to motivate students in the pursuit of careers and education in the STEM field. The Mission of FIRST is inspiring young people to become leaders and innovators in the fields of science and technology. FIRST believes in using mentors to help guide youth in gaining science, technology, and engineering skills that create confidence, communication, and leadership. If you'd like more information on FIRST, feel free to click on the image below to look at their website.

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